Hi, I’m Yair  Goldin 👋🏻

I am an experienced product designer with a profound background working with brands such as Endemol and Warner Bros and other international companies that impact millions of people on a daily basis.

Proudct Design
UX Research

Creating a personal mentor that helps people succeed and reach goals in their day to day lives

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Proudct Design
Marketing Materials

Building a B2B ad video player and campaign building platfrom that increases CTRs

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Proudct Design
UX Research

Transferring analog processes into a digital interface for psychologists' recruitment and talent management system

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Proudct Design
Product Research

Integrating 3 complex systems into a comprehensive real-time emergency decision-making system platform

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Stay in Touch

Love to know new people, send me an email or a message, and we talk.

Copyright 2024 © All rights Reserved. Design by Yair Goldin