Hali is a personal mentor/assistant, helping people to succeed and reach goals in their day to day.

Hali.Ai helps you to organize your tasks. Using AI and mood tracking, Hali can map out users’ calendars and to-do lists to obtain short- and long-term goals.

The app gives the user the power to reach any goal they’d like to commit to productively, also using external and internal motivations like help from friends/mentors.

My personal side

My day is made up of a lot of information, goals, and tasks, with the hope to complete and succeed in all of them.

While there are applications that try to help but from the experience of some software I have used, they do not fully answer users’ needs. Therefore, I decided to build one that would answer my pain points so that it’d help others achieve fulfillment too.

The Problem

People are surrounded by stimuli and information which can put the goals that they set for themselves in the backseat when they don’t have a clear plan or accountability.



I started my research with some assumptions about automated systems that help the user and discovered some new ones that I had not thought of during my competitive analysis.


surveyed 30 participants online and interviewed 7 people to use both quantitative and qualitative data in designing my app. Additionally, I checked some YouTubers who work with and review productivity software programs.


What motivates people?

How do they schedule their time?

How do they schedule their time?

The Process

Part of the process is understanding the business objectives, the objectives of the application are:

Part of the process was to build advertisements, and change them into research-based interpretations. From the study I established 3 research personas

Part of the process was to build advertisements, and change them into research-based interpretations. From the study I established 3 research personas

“Proper management can save money and time”

“When I’m nervous I’m not doing anything”

“Not everything has to be last-minute”

I chose one persona

The promises of the product


Hali is a personal mentor/assistant, helping people to succeed and reach goals in their day to day.